- Large Airport of the Year
This is awarded to the airport with over 30 million annual passengers that has established itself as a leader in environmental sustainability. - Small/Medium Airport of the Year
This is awarded to the airport with up to 30 million annual passengers that has established itself as a leader in environmental sustainability. - Airline/Airline Group of the Year
This is awarded to the airline that has been the biggest standout strategically during the year, has had the greatest impact on the development of the airline industry, has established itself as a leader, and provided a benchmark for others to follow. - Low Cost Airline of the Year
This is awarded to the low cost or hybrid airline that has been the biggest standout strategically, has established itself as a leader, has been most innovative, and provided a benchmark for others to follow. - Regional Airline of the Year
This is awarded to the regional airline that has been the biggest standout strategically, has established itself as a leader and demonstrated innovation in the regional aviation sector. (Note that this award is not limited to operators of regional aircraft; it is intended to recognise smaller airlines – fewer than 10 million annual passengers – that either do not operate any long haul services, or only operate limited long haul services.) - Airline Turnaround of the Year
This is awarded to an airline that has turned around through innovative strategic changes and/or a restructuring exercise. - Start-up Airline of the Year
This is awarded to the airline start-up that has been the most innovative and had the greatest impact on the industry. - Large Airport of the Year
This is awarded to the airport with over 30 million annual passengers that has been the biggest standout strategically, has established itself as a leader and done the most to advance the progress of the aviation industry. - Medium Airport of the Year
This is awarded to the airport with 10 to 30 million annual passengers that has been the biggest standout strategically, has established itself as a leader and done the most to advance the progress of the aviation industry. - Regional Airport of the Year
This is awarded to the regional airport that has been the biggest standout strategically, has established itself as a leader and done the most to advance the progress of the aviation industry. (Note that this award is not limited to airports without any long haul or intercontinental services; it is intended to recognise smaller airports – fewer than 10 million annual passengers – that rely primarily on short haul routes.) - Airline Executive of the Year
This is awarded to the airline executive who has had the greatest individual influence on the aviation industry, demonstrating outstanding strategic thinking and innovative direction for the growth of their business and the industry. - Innovation of the Year
This award recognises the airline, airport or supplier responsible for the most powerful innovation in the industry over the past year. The innovation could be customer-facing, B2B, efficiency-related or a new marketing product – must have been a new standout and established the company as a market leader in the product or process.
CAPA Aviation Awards for Excellence 2023
Nominations now open!
To nominate your business, please contact CAPA Content & Marketing Director, Marco Navarria at mnavarria@centreforaviation.com.
About the CAPA Awards for Excellence
CAPA's Aviation Awards for Excellence are intended to reward airlines and airports that are not only successful but have also provided industry leadership in adjusting to a new environment. At a time of industry upheaval, our winners are adopting strategies that offer new directions for others to take up.
The CAPA Awards for Excellence are not driven by customer surveys or sponsorship. They are independently researched by CAPA’s leading team of analysts and selected by an independent international eminent panel of judges.
CAPA's Aviation Awards for Excellence continue in 2023, with two important milestone events in November and December:
1.The second edition of the CAPA Environmental Sustainability Awards for Excellence, recognising those striving for carbon neutrality. To be hosted on the first evening of the CAPA Asia Aviation Summit & Sustainability Awards, 2/3-Nov-2023.
2.The CAPA Aviation Awards for Excellence to be hosted on the first evening of the CAPA World Aviation Summit in Abu Dhabi, 28/29-Nov-2023.
CAPA Environmental Sustainability Awards for Excellence: Kuala Lumpur, 2-Nov-2023
In 2022, CAPA launched its inaugural Environmental Sustainability Awards for Excellence to coincide with the release of the CAPA Envest Global Airline Sustainability Benchmarking Report, the world’s most effective evaluation of airline carbon emissions. In 2023, the awards return to recognise sustainability leaders in the industry.
CAPA Global Content & Marketing Director Marco Navarria said:
“Climate change is a critical challenge, and climate inaction is a critical mistake. In 2022, we launched the CAPA Environmental Sustainability Awards for Excellence, a year on, we are expanding the ceremony to include not only those airlines putting climate change at the forefront on their business but also the airports and suppliers supporting this important field.”
The CAPA Aviation Awards for Excellence are independently researched by CAPA’s Analysts and carbon reduction strategists, Envest Global.
Below is a snapshot of the award categories:
·Global Environmental Sustainability Airline/Airline Group of the Year
·Asia Environmental Sustainability Airline/Airline Group of the Year
·EMEA Environmental Sustainability Airline/Airline Group of the Year
·North American Environmental Sustainability Airline/Airline Group of the Year
·Latin American Environmental Sustainability Airline/Airline Group of the Year
Airline Sustainability Innovation of the Year
This is awarded to an airline that has produced an innovation in the past 12 months to help it achieve its sustainability goals.
Winners will be selected from nominated airlines as well as a select group determined by the results of CAPA’s Airline Sustainability Benchmarking Report 2023.
Airport Categories:
Nominations for the CAPA Environmental Sustainability Awards for Excellence close on 31-Aug-2023.
CAPA Aviation Awards for Excellence: Abu Dhabi, 28-Nov-2023
Regarded as the pre-eminent awards for strategic excellence in aviation, CAPA's Aviation Awards for Excellence reward airlines and airports that are not only successful but have also provided industry leadership in adjusting to a new environment. At a time of industry upheaval, our winners are adopting strategies that offer new directions for others to take up.
The CAPA Awards for Excellence are not driven by customer surveys or sponsorship. They are independently researched by an independent international panel of judges. CAPA's panel of judges review nominations for all categories, but not all categories are awarded each year. Awards are only made if the judges determine there is a suitable winner.
Winners will be selected from nominated businesses as well as a select group determined by CAPA’s independent judging panel. Nominations for the CAPA Aviation Awards for Excellence close on 15-Sep-2023.
To nominate your business for any of the above categories, please contact CAPA Content & Marketing Director, Marco Navarria at mnavarria@centreforaviation.com.
Please note, nominations will not be taken for the airline categories within the CAPA Environmental Sustainability Awards for Excellence.
Categories are subject to change at the discretion of CAPA – Centre for Aviation.